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Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

kenapa dengan bibir milo ventimiglia??

Peep this cute baby picture of Hereos hottie Milo Ventimiglia! Adorable!

FYI: He was born with dead nerve endings in his lower left lip.

Milo Ventimiglia has a birth defect: his self-described "crooked" mouth, which he explains as dead nerves causing his lower lip to lie limp. "It's so cute," Heroes costar Hayden Panettiere tells USA Today . "It's a flaw, and I hate perfection more than anything in the world.

sumber :

Q: Why does Milo Ventimiglias lip do that
A: Milo's mouth is crooked because he was born with dead nerve endings in his lower lip.

sumber : ttp://

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