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Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

The New Job

Friday (Thanks God), February 4, 2011.
14.38 p.m at my new office, my new table, my new chair, my new job desk, and my new (damn) computer. Yeah its being unconnected to internet, in other hand I need the connection to finish my job. Much to my dismay, I cannot do it because the lil’ bit technical error connenction. My new job desk is all about any kind of texts, books, publishing, and deadline. My first project made me almost never keep my eyes off from the computer. The target of each day is finishing about 25 sheets new script of popular book. My senior gave me one 1st project to editing one book about tourism in Bali. The book is thin enough, its about 130 sheets. 130 sheets for finishing in one week and 22-25 sheets for each week day. After finishing in microsoft word format, I have to give it to the seter who will make the book has more design and completeness. Then, the seter will give back the file in new format (adobe indesign) for second editing as my other job desk. After it, I will back it again to the seter or desaigner for checking the 2nd editing and the last is finishing editing by both of us. The job is almost do by using internet, but with the error connection like now, I cant do my job maximally.
This blog originally wrote when I heard:
• Piano by RAN ft Andi Rianto
• Bosan by RAN
• Perfectly Lonely by John Mayer
• Because Im Stupid by Kim Hyun Joong
• Runaway by The Corrs
And I was originally accompanied by one cup of delicious coffe. And for sure, in my new table of my new job. Adios!!!!

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